Dark green leafy vegetables, or simply greens are often discussed when talking about 'health' and becoming 'healthy'. Health experts and parents alike can be heard saying 'eat more greens'. The truth is... people need more greens in their diet than they realize.
Also, people would probably need to consume way more salads than they would want (or have time for) to consume the amount of greens that are recommended by the natural health experts.
Additionally the greens need to be chewed down to essentially nothing before swallowed to actually be digested by the body. If the healthy greens aren't digested properly, don't expect them to be assimilated. Assimilation refers to the nutrients being absorbed into the bloodstream and used by the body.
On top of that, if the greens are cooked, a lot of the nutrients and enzymes (if not all) will be cooked away. So.. eating greens in their raw state is recommended by raw foodists and other natural health experts. But raw greens aren't always so tasty.
But there is a solution. There is an easy way to get lots of raw greens in your diet and have them taste good. Also, this method allows you to assimilate the greens properly... We'll get to that, but first, let's answer the question... which greens are best to consume to contribute to health?
The short answer.. all of them!
However, some will have more nutritional value than others, kale being the most nutritionally dense (meaning lots of healthy benefits).
Just don't eat the same green daily for months at a time. Change it up a bit.
And now the answer to how?
Mix your greens in green smoothies (fruit smoothies with greens blended in) to sneak more into your diet. Also, blending them will put them into a pre-digested state, allowing them to be more easily assimilated.
Use all greens, preferably organic and locally grown. Try beet tops, carrot tops, parsley, dill, cilantro (my personal favourite next to kale), romaine lettuce, spinach and others, as long as they are dark green and leafy!
And adding more than one green in your smoothie will not pose a problem. Now go blend some greens and get healthy!
Find some green smoothie recipes and also learn more about raw food and how it contributes to health.
Article Source: Which Greens Are Best To Use To Get Healthy? by Michelle Bosmier